Once an order is submitted, it is sent to our warehouse to be processed. Unfortunately, we cannot change or update your order. However, if the order has not shipped, we may be able to cancel the order and refund your payment. You may then place a new order for the items you want. If you want to add an item, please place another order. Please send an email to triplescoopindustries@gmail.com to check order status.
At this time, we ship to the US, Mexico and Canada. We do not ship to APO/FPO post office boxes and P.O. Box Addresses.
For all standard shipping methods, please allow 7-10 business days for delivery. Additional shipping methods are offered at the time of checkout. Once an item ships, you will receive an email confirmation with tracking information.
Shipping cost is calculated at checkout and based on the shipping method, size and weight of the shipment, and shipping destination. You may view shipping cost from your cart prior to placing your order.
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Some of Our Best Sellers
Vanilla Ice Cream Mix
Chocolate Ice Cream Mix
Strawberry Ice Cream Mix
Mint Chocolate Chip
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